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DIY Software Selection and Implementation is a Recipe for Disaster

David Panitch

As a cost-cutting measure, you may be thinking of selecting your own software for your business or implementing software that you have purchased on your own without outside guidance.


Instead, rely on a technology strategist who can make the transition smoother and save your company time, money, and aggravation. Selecting your own software without professional advice and trying to implement software without support will rob you of the full advantage that the software can otherwise give you.

Read on to learn about the pitfalls of going the DIY software route.

Tackle Your Unique Issues

As we’ve previously written, software selection of a major business system (ERP, CRM, AMS, etc.) requires careful planning so that the system you choose is the right fit. There are several cookie-cutter options available, but none of the software solution providers will ‘highlight” their downsides or functional limitations. They will most often explain away those issues and redirect you to the core strengths of their solution. However, you are much more likely to find and implement a solution that best fits your organization. You are likelier still to find a custom solution when working with an independent third party expert who understands how manufacturers, distributors, and membership associations operate.

Get a Full Understanding

Software programs are robust and replete with advanced features that save time by automating many historically manual functions, which helps you with better customer/member and operational outcomes. By implementing software on your own, you risk not fully understanding or utilizing these functions. Major business software solutions aren't cheap and working with a seasoned technology adviser will help you realize a greater return on investment.

Avoid Scaling Issues

Will your software keep up as your organization grows? It’s not just about the numbers of users and the volume of transactions. As your organization continues to evolve and expand, it will likely require more functionality from your software. Understanding the future plans of the software solution that you are considering selecting will give you insight as to their software firm’s ability to meet your future needs even before you know what they are. It is also important to understand your future cost exposures. Will it cost more if you add 5 users? What if you open another location? Is the licensing cost based on some other metric? Does that metric work for your organization?

Save Time

It takes time to properly implement new software, and there isn’t room to learn how to best implement a major system as you go. This is not the same as taking on a home improvement project like installing wood floors on your own (although we don’t recommend that either!). This is your business and decisions made by your executive team directly impact your bottom line and likely will have an impact on the morale of your people. Your software will perform best when you engage with a professional who establishes a proven methodology, expert project management, and a clear technology roadmap that aligns with your organizational goals.

Spend Energy Doing What You Do Best

The best led organizations avoid the “Jack of all trades, master of none” approach. Taking staff out of their professional element--rather than leveraging their skill set for the job they were hired to do--and relying on them to handle the complexities of managing a software implementation has consequences that at best undermine their productivity and at worst threaten the success of your business.

To sum up, DIY software selection and implementation carries too much risk and not enough reward. Why open your organization up to a bevy of problems with short and long-term impacts when you can save time and money by working with an outside expert?

Results Technology Group provides technology solutions to our clients with best-in-class software selection, project management, and business technology leadership services. Schedule a free 30-minute technology discussion.

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